General Terms
owned by Maya Ilieva EOOD I. General provisions
Please read these Terms of Use carefully before using the site www.mayailieva.com. These general terms and conditions are an AGREEMENT between you and "Maya Ilieva" Ltd., which gives you the right to use free services and information from the site for personal and non-commercial purposes in compliance with the following conditions. These general terms and conditions are binding only in the relationship between you as USER of the services of the site and "Maya Ilieva" EOOD. By accessing (loading) the websites, you agree to be bound by these general terms and conditions and any subsequent changes to them, and you agree to abide by them. In case you do not agree with all the general conditions below, please do not use the site www.mayailieva.com. These general terms and conditions are valid from the moment of the first use of the service by the User until the moment of termination of its use.
The user has the right and is obliged to use the service in good faith and as intended. USERS receive the right to use the services of the site only for personal and non-commercial purposes. Maya Ilieva EOOD is not responsible for the opinions expressed by users in the existing and subsequently created forums or blogs.
Trade name (company): Maya Ilieva EOOD
Unique identification code: 204130121 T
contact phone: 0885 556 398
Email: office@mayailieva.com
Website: mayailieva.com
II. Basic concepts
For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, the following terms are used with the following meaning:
1. "USER" is any natural person who uses any of the services on the site www.mayailieva.com, owned by "Maya Ilieva" EOOD.
2. "WEBSITE" is a part of a website, which may be composite or separate.
3. "INFORMATION SYSTEM" is a device or system of connected devices, which or any of which is intended to store, send or receive electronic documents.
4. "SERVICE / s" on the site include:
- access to the information resources / data of the site provided through a web browser; - participation in the forums of the site by commenting, evaluating and reporting to the moderator of already published opinions;
- creation and personalization of user profiles through registration, which allows access to the information resources of the archive of the site;
- the supplier provides goods from a distance to USERS via the Site and the Online Store for a fee after the explicit statement by the USER.
- against the goods provided by the Supplier, the USER pays the price of the order according to the terms and conditions of the General Terms. The USER expressly declares that he is aware of the fact that each order from the site is associated with an obligation to pay on his part. - the supplier reserves the right to unilaterally change the offered goods, their parameters and characteristics. The Provider has the right to change the information published on the site without prior notice to the USER. 6. "IP ADDRESS" ("IP address") is a unique identification number associating a device, website or resource of the USER, in a way that allows their localization in the global Internet network.
7. "INCORRECT / ILLEGAL CONDUCT OF THIRD PARTIES" - actions or inactions of third parties that are contrary to the rules of Internet ethics, including, but not limited to DoS (Denial of Service - server overload), intrusion into the server , deface, data theft, etc.
8. "DIRECT MARKETING" - offering goods and services to USERS by mail, telephone or other direct means, as well as consultation for the purpose of research on the offered goods and services.
9. "ELECTRONIC REFERENCE" is a link indicated in a certain Internet page, which allows automated redirection to another Internet page, information resource or object through standardized protocols. 10. "MALICIOUS ACTIONS" are actions or omissions that violate Internet ethics or cause harm to persons connected to the Internet or associated networks, including but not limited to sending junk mail (SPAM, JUNK MAIL), channel overflow (FLOOD), gaining access to resources with foreign rights and passwords, using vulnerabilities in systems for their own benefit or obtaining information (HACK),performing actions that may qualify as industrial espionage or sabotage, damaging or destroying systems or information arrays (CRACK), sending "Trojan horses" or causing the installation of viruses or remote control systems, disrupting the normal operation of other USERS on the Internet and associated networks, as well as committing any actions that may qualify as a crime or administrative violation under Bulgarian law or other applicable law. III. Copyright
All copyrights under the Copyright and Related Rights Act are reserved. All intellectual property rights over the information resources and materials published on the site are subject to protection under the current Law on Copyright and Related Rights, and their unregulated use is a violation of law and entails civil, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with applicable Bulgarian law. .
2. Use of RSS feeds. RSS feeds are called XML files that are used to automatically aggregate content from other sites, whose address is specified in the meta information on each page of in They contain the title, author, photo and the first 500 (five hundred) characters of the article. They may be republished or aggregated on other sites without express permission. Any publication in a format other than a website (eg public screen) requires written permission from the provider. If other sites use the photo attached to the RSS feed, it must be accompanied by the title, the first 500 characters of the text and the author.
IV. Confidentiality
4.1. Maya Ilieva EOOD undertakes to guarantee the inviolability of the information containing personal data provided by the USERS online by means of completed registration applications. Disclosure is possible only in cases where the USER has personally submitted the data in the public information field of the registration form and in the Settings page and when the information is required by government agencies or officials authorized by law to request and collect information containing personal data and compliance with the normatively established order.
4.2. The Provider takes measures to protect the personal data of the User in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act.
4.3. Maya Ilieva EOOD may provide the collected statistical information on the site traffic to advertisers / advertising agencies that keep statistics on clicks, etc. actions of USERS on their advertising banners and links, to compile internal statistics, as well as for the purposes of direct marketing (their own and partners).
4.4. By accepting these General Terms and Conditions, the USER agrees to the processing of personal data provided by him when completing the application for registration for the purposes of direct marketing. The user has the right to object to the processing of his personal data for the purposes of direct marketing by sending a written message to "Maya Ilieva" Ltd. at the following address or contact email: office@mayailieva.com
4.5. The sending of information about changes in the conditions of registration, the general conditions of use of the sites or the Rules for use of the forums is not considered as direct marketing. V. Limitation of Liability.
5.2. Maya Ilieva EOOD is not responsible for the subjective perceptions and interpretation of the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of the information resources on this site.
5.3. Maya Ilieva EOOD is not responsible for the information (including its completeness and accuracy) contained in sites to which this site contains links.
5.4 Maya Ilieva EOOD has the right to compensation for all damages, expenses and claims of third parties, which are a consequence of violation of these general conditions and / or unregulated use of the services on the site.
VI. Rights and obligations of the USER
6.1. The USER himself provides the customer equipment (terminal devices for Internet access and relevant software applications) and Internet access necessary for the use of the services provided by the company.
6.2. The USER has the right to access on-line the services provided through the website, subject to the conditions and requirements for access set by the company.
6.3. The USER undertakes when using the services provided by the company not to download, have on the company's server and not to make available in any way to third parties user content - information, data, text, messages and any other materials or electronic references to materials: a. contrary to the Bulgarian legislation, the applicable foreign laws, the present General Terms and Conditions, the internet ethics, the rules of morals and good manners; b. containing violence (including violence against animals), agitation for violence, humiliation of human dignity,threat to human life and physical integrity; c. with pornographic or sexually explicit content; e. containing clearly distinguishable bodies of victims of accidents and other serious incidents; f. insulting a religion or containing religious agitation; g. representing a trade or official secret or other confidential information; with. which are subject to intellectual property rights of third parties, except with the consent of the right holder; i. violating any property or non-property rights or legitimate interests of third parties; j. promoting discrimination based on sex, race, educational qualifications,age and religion or preaching a fascist, racist or other undemocratic ideology; k. damaging the good name of another and calling for a forcible change in the constitutional order, for the commission of a crime, for violence against the person or for incitement to racial, national, ethnic or religious hatred; l. containing information inciting or facilitating the commission of terrorist activity; m. containing information about foreign passwords or access rights without the consent of their holder, as well as software for access to such passwords or rights; 6.4. The USER undertakes when using the services provided by the company: a. not to perform malicious actions within the meaning of these General Terms and Conditions; b. to notify the company immediately of any case of committed or discovered violation when using the provided services; c. not to present himself as another person; d. not to use methods leading to forced loading of content unwanted by Internet users ("pop-up", "blind link" and the like). 6.5. The USER has the right at any time at its discretion to terminate the use of services provided by the company. Deactivation of the provision of certain services does not lead to termination of the contract.
6.6. The USER may access and use any content published on the website only for personal non-commercial use in compliance with the requirements of these General Terms.
6.7. The USER undertakes not to exercise or attempt to gain unauthorized access to the services provided by the site by intercepting and using foreign passwords or any other methods, not to bypass, damage or otherwise interfere with the normal operation of technical or software applications on the website that prevent or restrict access to third-party electronic mailboxes, administrative panels, computer systems and networks related to the services provided.
VII. Rights and obligations of the company
7.1. The Company undertakes to take due care to provide the USER with the opportunity to use the services normally.
7.2. The Company does not have the obligation and the objective ability to control the way in which the USER uses the provided services, and is not responsible for the purposes and activities of the USER in connection with the use of the Services. The Company has no obligation to monitor the information stored on its servers or made available when providing the Services, nor to seek facts and circumstances indicating the commission of illegal activity by the USER through the use of the Services. 7.3. In accordance with the requirements of current Bulgarian legislation, the company stores information materials and resources located by the USER on a server of the site and has the right to provide them to the competent state authorities in cases where this is necessary to preserve the rights, legitimate interests and security of the company. or to third parties, as well as in the cases when the same are required by the respective state bodies in due order. 7.4. The Company has the right to place on each of the pages of the website electronic links, advertising banners and other advertising forms for goods and services offered by the company or third parties, as well as electronic links and advertising banners pointing to websites outside the company's control. , the latter is not responsible for the content, accuracy and legality of such Internet pages or resources and of services or resources that have become available to the USER when using the services of the website.
7.5. The Company has the right to send commercial messages to USERS in order to offer information and advertisements about its own or offered by other companies goods and / or services, to make inquiries on various issues, to conduct surveys and more. By accepting these General Terms and Conditions, the USER agrees to receive commercial communications from the company. 7.6. The Company has the right, but not the obligation, at its discretion and without notice to suspend access to and / or remove user content when it contradicts the requirements set forth in these General Terms and Conditions;
7.7. The Company has the right at its discretion and without notice to suspend or temporarily restrict the USER's access to the services when, at the discretion of the company or according to information received from third parties, the USER uses the services in violation of Bulgarian law, these General Terms, good manners or other applicable norms.
7.8. The Company reserves the right to temporarily or permanently suspend the provision of specific services available through the website, without the need to notify the USER in advance.
V III. Personal data
8.1. The Company has the right to collect and use information about USERS. The information through which the person can be identified may include name, surname, surname, e-mail, as well as any other information that the USER voluntarily enters, uses or provides when using the Services on the Website.
8.2. The Company takes due care of the collection, processing and storage of personal data of USERS, in strict compliance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act.
8.3. The Company takes due care and is responsible for protecting the information about the USER, which became known to him in connection with the provision of the Services subject to these General Terms, except in cases of force majeure, accident or malicious acts of third parties, as well as in cases in which the USER has made this information available to third parties.
8.4. In the registration form filled in by the USER at the conclusion of the contract, the company clearly indicates the mandatory nature of the data and the consequences of refusal to provide. By agreeing to these General Terms and Conditions, the USER agrees that the information about him be processed in the manner prescribed therein. 8.5. The Company collects and uses the information for the purposes provided in these General Terms and Conditions, including offering new services to USERS, offering goods and / or services offered by other persons, for promotions, organizing raffles, inquiries, for statistical and any other purposes. , by registering to use the Services, the USER agrees to receive commercial communications sent by the company. The described purposes for which the information may be used are not exhaustively listed and do not give rise to obligations for the company.
8.6. By accepting these General Terms and Conditions, the USER agrees to the processing of his personal data for the purposes of direct marketing. The USER has the right to object to the processing of his personal data for the purposes of direct marketing by sending a written notice to the company at the specified address. 8.7. The Company undertakes not to edit or disclose any personal information about the USER or the Services used by him and not to provide the collected information to third parties - government agencies, companies, individuals and others, except in cases where: a / this is provided in these General Terms and Conditions or the USER has given his explicit consent at registration or at a later time; b / this is necessary for fulfillment of a normatively established obligation of the company;c / the information is requested by state bodies or officials, who according to the current legislation are authorized to request and collect such information in compliance with the legally established procedures; d / the information regarding the personal data is provided to employees or subcontractors of the company for activities for administration of the same and the use of the Services; e / other cases specified in the law. 8.8. When using the Website, the company has the right to automatically save certain information that a computer or other end device of the USER sends to a server of the site and / or the company in connection with the activity of the USER. The information is stored on the company's servers and may include the IP address of the USER, the date and time at which the respective page of the Website was visited, the time spent on it, etc. In addition, the company stores the IP address of the USER, as well as any other information necessary to identify the USER and reproduce his electronic statement of acceptance of the General Terms, in the event of a legal dispute.
8.9. The Company has the right, but not the obligation, to install on a computer or other end device of the USER cookies - small text files that are saved from a website via an Internet server on the hard drive of the USER and allow for recovery of information about The USER, by identifying him, as well as to track his actions. IX. Changes
9.1. Maya Ilieva EOOD reserves the right to update and make changes to these General Terms and Conditions at any time by promptly publishing these changes on the site, together with a notice of changes in the General Terms and Conditions within a reasonable time after the changes. Users who use the Service without registration accept the new general conditions from the moment of use after their change, without explicit notification of the change. The possible invalidity of any of the provisions of these general terms and conditions will not lead to the invalidity of the entire contract.
9.2. The laws of the Republic of Bulgaria shall apply to the issues not settled in this contract, related to the implementation and interpretation of this contract.
9.3. All disputes between the parties to this contract will be resolved by the competent court or the Consumer Protection Commission.
9.4. These general terms and conditions enter into force for all users of www.mayailieva.com from the moment of their acceptance. These General Terms and Conditions were adopted by decision on 30.09.2018 and enter into force immediately.
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